Pumping down to check for sludge behind rock filter (North side) 18 in. to 24
in. found
Pumping sludge from behind rock filter (South side)
Washing rock from around the outflow area to remove sludge. Washed from North
to South
Preparing to drill a hole.
*Had to level top of filter before drilling
any holes.
Holes drilled apx. 10 ft. deep through middle section Outer ends were
apx. 5 ft. deep
Removing drill bit to put 6 in. plastic pipe into hole
Pump used to pressurize drill bit, & pressurize pipes for cleaning filter.
Injecting water into pipe after pulling out of pipe w/ a 6 in. trash pump.
Checking flow through rock filter while pumping out & injecting into pipe.
Checking water flow through rock filter while pumping out w/ 6 in.
& 8 in. trash pump.
Injecting into one of the pipes & watching the water come through the filter while
being pumped down.
More of the same.
Cerro Gordo, Il. 2008
Cerro Gordo's filter wasn't getting the desired flow, so we did some brain storming & came up
with a new game plan. This time we used a mini excavator to stir the rock while pumping water out of the out-fall area. This
process was very effective, because as we discovered algae & sludge had built up in the 1st 3 to 4ft of both outside edges
of the filter. By digging up the rock it stirred up that algae & sludge & allowed it to move to the outflow where
we pumped it to the secondary cell.